Category Archives: Daily Meditations
Own Your Awesomeness
No one ever inspired anyone else to greatness by pretending to be less awesome than they really are. The corollary idea that follows is of course that no one ever inspired anyone else to greatness by being less awesome than … Continue reading →
There Is No Randomness In Awesomism
Everyone is passionate about something, and within the pursuit of that passion lies your path to Awesomeness. It doesn’t matter what it is that you’re passionate about. What matters is that you are, and that isn’t random. The things you … Continue reading →
During those times when I have struggled the most, and most needed that outstretched hand or a few simple words from someone who may not have realized how badly they were needed, I have found my footing and restored calm … Continue reading →
The last couple of years, and more specifically, the last few months, have been a period of great personal transformation for me. I have detailed a lot of the process, and the struggles as well as the successes, at my … Continue reading →
On The Value Of Totems
When I spoke at a school last week, one of the teachers asked about my totems. I told her they are reminders to help keep me on my path. The Hero – to try to do what is right and … Continue reading →
Miracle Monday
We get to choose which stories we believe in, and act upon. We get to choose the stories we tell, the stories we listen to, and the stories that we take with ourselves, to hopefully change who we are to … Continue reading →
Just Keep Running
This is something I wrote up that my Awesome friend Heidi turned into a printable 8 1/2″ x 11″ graphic you can print, post, and share. Just remember: if you’re still running, you’re going to win. That’s it.
Continue reading →Being Better Today
Not every source of wisdom is all-knowing; as I like to say (in what’s becoming my favorite, most zen-like quote) “Everyone’s Mileage Varies.” It’s a lesson I learned from my mentor when I was a child: your job is to … Continue reading →
On Equilibrium and Fear
When I’m feeling stressed or fearful, I very rarely let it show — even if expressing it could be helpful. Sometimes I HAVE vented to those close to me, and sometimes it has helped, but I’ve regretted doing it at … Continue reading →